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Showing posts from January, 2014

Intro to C++ and Hello World

Hey guys, axtyax here! and today we will be beginning c++! C++ is probably the most powerful programming language out there, and is constantly updated! Some of the uses of c++ are Video games Commercial applications, for math or even analytics Mobile applications microcontrollers such as the arduino and much much more  So now that we have a basic understanding on why c++ is an optimal language, lets get started! *WARNING c++ is not simple, but with some practice, you can make so many on your computer that you will regret not having starter c++ sooner! So when we start out our program we need to declare all of the libraries we will be using. think of libraries like a group of many tools for c++ that are made to be utilized by the user, without any libraries, displaying simple text on the screen would be VERY difficult. right now, though, the only library we will use is call iostream iostream just creates the stream of input and output from the console windo...

2. Fading LED

Arduino tutorial: Fading LED   Hi, Axtyax here, and now we will now learn how to make an LED fade out or in with an arduino! you will need: Solderless Breadboard (if you dont know what this is, look it up) Wires An arduino The arduino cable to connect it to your computer A computer with the arduino IDE  Im not completely sure, but i think you will need an 820ohm 1/8w resistor (if you know of better specs for the resistor, just comment please) And finally, an LED.  Use this schematic to wire up the circuit: Now lets have a look at the code:  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*  Fade  This example shows how to fade an LED on pin 9  using the analogWrite() function.  This example code is in the public domain.  */ int led = 9 ;           // the pin that the LED is attached to int brightness = 0 ;...

1. Blinking LED

Blinking LED: HI, Axtyax here! Now that you have gotten your arduino and IDE, you are ready to start exploring the world of arduino! Things You Will Need Solderless Breadboard (if you dont know what this is, look it up) Wires An arduino The arduino cable to connect it to your computer A computer with the arduino IDE  Im not completely sure, but i think you will need an 820ohm 1/8w resistor (if you know of better specs for the resistor, just comment please) And finally, an LED.  This is a visual representation of how to wire up your circuit that i made in an application called fritzing, which you should definitely download from this link to create schematics for any of your arduino projects. Ok so now that you have wired up the arduino and resistor and LED, lets get started on the code! This is the code: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*   Blink   Turns on an...


Now that you have bought the arduino board (make sure you bought the arduino UNO) , let's get the IDE! This is a link to download the IDE: IDE stands for Integrated Development Enviorment, which is basically a programming suite for you to perform certain tasks easier. So in this case we will be trying to program our arduino! Go look at this tutorial for your first project with the Arduino: Make sure you hit build and run when you have it all set up!

Intro to Arduino

INTRO: to the Arduino!!! Aright guys so this is the arduino board, it kinda looks like touching it will break some sort of electronic component in it, but it wont. so these are like 30 dollars for just the board, but if you are a beginner you should really get it with a kit for 40-50 dollars. also, the arduino is open-source so it can be used for any commercial project without getting sued by the makers.  To use it you need to learn the programming for it which is a script based off of c++, and is fairly easy to learn. Look for further posts on the uses of the arduino!