Hey guys, axtyax here! and today we will be beginning c++! C++ is probably the most powerful programming language out there, and is constantly updated! Some of the uses of c++ are Video games Commercial applications, for math or even analytics Mobile applications microcontrollers such as the arduino and much much more So now that we have a basic understanding on why c++ is an optimal language, lets get started! *WARNING c++ is not simple, but with some practice, you can make so many on your computer that you will regret not having starter c++ sooner! So when we start out our program we need to declare all of the libraries we will be using. think of libraries like a group of many tools for c++ that are made to be utilized by the user, without any libraries, displaying simple text on the screen would be VERY difficult. right now, though, the only library we will use is call iostream iostream just creates the stream of input and output from the console windo...
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